法国Ouchard学派小提琴琴弓 A French Violin Bow,Ouchard Schoo
拍品号【15】法国Ouchard学派小提琴琴弓 A French Violin Bow,Ouchard Schoo
参考价 15,000

在线报名截止日期:2018-5-26 21:00:00

  • 拍卖类型:+
  • 数量/单位:--
  • 拍卖方式:按总价拍卖
  • 评 估 价:15,000 元
  • 保 证 金:10,000 元
  • 佣  金:15.00%
  • 拍卖机构:上海宝江拍卖有限公司

  •     以下标的信息仅供评估,具体以当天拍卖特别规定为准。

    A French Violin Bow,Ouchard School
    重量/ Grams:51g
    估价/ Appraise:12000-15000
    起拍价/ RMB:10000
  • 拍卖公告



    现场预展时间:(1)2018年5月15日—22日  10:00-16:00  公司现场

                 (2)2018年5月24日—26日  9:00-17:00   北京国际乐器展


                 (2)北京. 中国国际展览中心4D004展位 北京市朝阳区北三环东路6号



    拍卖结束时间:2018年5月26日 21:00依次截标

    网络拍卖网址  /





    拍卖热线及拍卖微信号:18901986686 上海宝江拍卖



    Shanghai Bao Jiang Auction Co., Ltd.


    Preview  : (1) May.15th to May.22th   10:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m  Shanghai

              (2) May.24th to May.26th    09:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m  Beijing

              (3) 10:00 on May 16, 2018 at

    Address : (1) room 6028, block A, Xinhua Culture Park, 801 Yanchang Road, Jingan District, Shanghai.

               (2) Music Beijing, 4D004 booth, NO.6,East Road, Northem 3rd Ringroad, Chaoyang District, Beijing

    Began    : 10:00 on May 24, 2018 at

    End      : 21:00 on May 24, 2018 at



    Website: Emall:

    Address: room 6028, block A, 801 Yanchang Road, Jingan District, Shanghai.

    Tel / Fax: 021-36368821 18901986686

    Weixin code:18901986686




















    十二、竞买人最高应价经拍卖师以落槌或者其他公开表示买定的方式确认后,标的拍卖成交。竞买人随即成为该标的买受人。买受人与拍卖人应当签署 《拍卖成交确认书》和其他需要签署的文件。





    十四、拍卖标的须依法办理证照变更、权属转受让登记的,买受人应持拍卖人出具的成交证明和有关资料, 会同委托人向有关管理机关办理相关手续,拍卖人予以协助服务。






    十八、竞买人、买受人须遵守本须知;拍卖人在每次拍卖时对不同标的制定专项规则或约定的, 则从专项规则或约定。

    委托人、竞买人:如果您认为拍卖人主持的本次拍卖会有违反《拍卖法》的情况,致使您权益遭受侵害的,您可以向上海市工商行政管理机关投诉、举报。举报电话 :54236252。



    一、我公司依标的现状进行拍卖,并组织了拍卖标的的展示活动, 所提供的资料和工作人员的介绍及评价均为参考性意见,不构成对 拍卖标的的任何保证。竞买人在拍卖前应自行审鉴所有拍品 ( 包括 自行聘请专家帮助鉴定和鉴别 ),竞买人对其竞买行为应承担法律 责任,一经应价即表明竞买人接受该拍卖标的一切现状 ( 包括瑕疵 )。 

    二、在网络竞拍中,单个标的首位出价的且最终竞的该标的的买受人,佣金减免 2%,即佣金收取比例为 13%。



    2. 本公司将在中华人民共和国的法律、法规、条例、章程和本规则界定的范围内组织和开展各项拍卖活动。本公司将 严格遵守公开、公平、公正和诚实信用的原则,维护国家和当事人的权益不受侵害。

    3. 本规则以外的疑问或特殊事项,本公司有解释权。在执行本规则过程中所涉及的各方如发生争议,应向中国法院提 起诉讼。



    2. 竞买人参与网络拍卖须凭本公司认可的有效身份证件,预付保证金,。未办理登记和未预付保证金者不得参加拍 卖。委托代理人竞拍的须在网络参拍申请时提供书面委托材料。

    3. 竞买人或其代理人应亲自出席拍卖会。如不能出席,可采用电话报价的形式委托本公司代为竞投(应在拍卖会前办 理书面委托手续)。但对竞投过程中可能出现的无法代为竞投或竞投不成功,本公司不承担任何责任。

    4. 竞买人参加网络竞拍的,须待本公司审核后,方取得竞买资格,参与竞拍。

    5. 鉴于互联网的特殊性,网络竞拍仍然存在多种风险,这些风险包括但不限于:系统故障、设备故障、通讯故障、停 电、网络故障、病毒、数据中断延时、数据错误、黑客攻击、自然灾害等不可抗力,拍卖人不承担由此带来的损失。

    6. 本公司对拍卖标的地描述,仅供竞买人参考,本公司任何人或者代理人用任何方式对拍卖标的所作的介绍、描述及 评价均属参考意见,不表明本公司的任何担保。拍卖标的附有鉴定证书的,其内容属于鉴定机构的意见,并不表明本公司 的任何担保。竞买人应在拍卖前亲自审看拍卖标的原物,并对其竞投行为承担法律责任。一经应价即表明竞买人接受该拍 卖标的的一切现状(包括缺陷)

    7. 本公司采用增价方式进行拍卖,竞买人按照要求自由出价,拍卖标的物归出价最高者(不到底价的除外)。

    8. 买受人成功投得拍卖标的后,除支付货款外,另应支付给本公司实际成交价15%的拍卖佣金。

    9. 拍卖标的成交后,须于拍卖成交日起7天内付清价款,如仍未足额支付购买,本公司则自拍卖成交日后第八天起就 买受人未支付款部分按日息万分之三收取利息,直至买受人付清全部款项止。买受人与本公司另有协议者除外。竞买人购 得拍卖品后,若未能按照规定时间缴付购买价款,视为违约,保证金不予退还。并应承担该拍卖标的在本次拍卖中买受人 及委托人应当支付的佣金及补足再次拍卖的差额。

    10. 买受人在付清全部款项后,即可获得该拍卖标的之所有权,领取拍卖标的,买受人应于付清货款的3天内办理领取 该拍卖标的的手续。若买受人在领取期限届满后仍未领取,则自拍卖成交日后第八天起就买受人未支付款部分按日息万分 之五收取保管费,买受人与本公司另有协议者除外。此后发生的意外事故均由买受人承担损失。同时因逾期领取而造成该 拍卖标的在本公司的相关费用(包括搬运、储存、保险及其它一切费用)均由买受人承担,另买受人还应支付由此所引起 的一切经济损失。

    11. 买受人成功竞得拍卖标的后,对于该拍卖标的地处置必须遵守国家的有关法律、法规和规定,因处置不当所引起 的纠纷,本公司不负责任何责任。

    12. 拍卖图录或拍卖目录的版权属上海宝江拍卖有限公司,未经本公司许可,不得以任何形式复制、传播。

    1. The auction rules are in accordance with the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Auction", and other relevant laws, and acts, and with reference to international prevailing auction conventions and domestic actual conditions, formulated in accordance with the company's articles of association.

    2. The company will organize and carry out various auction activities within the scope defined by laws, rules, regulations and articles of association of the People's Republic of China, and these auction rules. The company will strictly abide by the principles of openness, fairness, justice and good faith, and safeguard the rights of the country and the parties.

    3. The company has the right to interpret any questions or special matters outside this rule. In case of any dispute between the parties involved in the execution of this rule, a lawsuit shall be brought to the Chinese court.

    About the bidders

    1. Bidders who participate in online auctions must read these Auction Rules and Special Rules of Auction carefully, and be responsible for their conduct in auction activities.

    2. Bidders who participate in online auctions shall pay the security deposit in advance with identification certificate approved by the company. Those who fail to register and pay in advance are not allowed to participate in the auction. The entrusted agent must submit the written authorization materials in the application for online participation.

    3. Bidders or their agents shall attend the auction in person. If unable to attend, the company may use the form of a telephone quote to entrust our company to bid for on their behalf in the form of telephone quotation (the written authorization should be handled before the auction). However, the company does not bear any responsibility for any unsuccessful bidding or the failure of on behalf of the bidders or their agents which may occur bidding in the bidding process.

    4. Bidders, who participate in online auctions, shall obtain the qualification for bidding and participate in the auction only after the company's examination.

    5. In view of the particularity of the Internet, there are still many risks in online auctions. These risks include, but are not limited to: system failures, equipment failures, communication failures, blackouts, network failures, viruses, data interruption and delay, data errors, hacker attacks, natural disasters and other force majeure, the auctioneer does not bear the resulting there of losses.

    6. The description of the auction targets provided by the company is only for the reference of the bidder. Any introduction, description and evaluation of the auction target by any person or agent of the company shall be a reference and shall not indicate any warranty of the company. If an auction target is accompanied by an appraisal certificate, its content belongs to the appraisal organization and does not indicate any guarantee of the company. The bidder shall, before the auction, personally examine the original object of the auction and bear legal liability for his or her bidding. Once the price is confirmed, the bidder accepts all the current status (including defects) of the auction target.

    7. Our company adopts the method of increasing price to carry out the auction. Bidders are free to bid according to the requirements and the auction target is necessarily belong to the highest bidder (except the price doesn’t reach the bottom price).

    8. In addition to the payment of the goods, the buyer shall pay a commission of 15% of the actual transaction price to our company after the successful bid for the auction target.

    9. After the sale of the auction target, the purchase price must be paid within 7 days from the date of auction transaction. If the money is still not paid in full, the company will charge the daily interest of 3/10000 for the unpaid portion of the buyer since the eighth day after the auction transaction, until the total payment is paid by the buyer, except the buyer has other agreements with our company. If the bidder fails to pay the purchase price in accordance with the prescribed time after purchasing the auction product, it is deemed as a breach of contract and the deposit will not be refunded. And the bidder shall bear the commission which shall be paid by the buyer and the seller in this auction and the difference from the next auction.

    10. After the buyer pays the full amount, he or she can obtain the ownership of the auction target and collect the auction target. The buyer shall handle the procedure of collecting the auction target within 3 days of the payment is paid. If the buyer still does not get the target after the expiration of the period, the buyer will be charged daily interest of 5/10000 for the unpaid portion as storage fee from the 8th day after the date of auction, except the buyer has other agreements with our company. All subsequent accidents and losses are borne by the buyer. At the same time, the relevant expenses (including handling, storage, insurance and all other expenses) of the auctioned object due to the overdue collection, shall be borne by the buyer, and the buyer should also pay for all the economic losses caused thereby.

    11. After the buyer successfully bids for the auction object, the disposal of the auction object must comply with the relevant laws, rules, and regulations of our country. Our company is not responsible for any disputes arising from improper disposal.

    12. The copyright of the auction catalogue or auction directory belongs to Shanghai Baojiang Auction Co., Ltd. In addition, it shall not be copied or transmitted in any form without the permission of the company.


    一、竞买人应为与竞买标的相适应资质的法人或个人应按本场拍卖公告规定的时间办理竞买登记手续,办理时须提交有效个人身份证、护照或有效企业法人营业执照原件及复印件、法人代表资格证明、法定代表人身份证(复印件)、法人授权委托书以及经办人身份证等(所有复印文件均需加盖公章)  并办理保证金网上汇款手续,以上手续办妥之后方可参加网络拍卖。












    十三、竞买未成交者,待拍卖会结束后 3-5个工作日退还拍卖保证金。


    1、马里奥 . 卡达——By 此提琴由作者本人制作。 

    2、马里奥 . 卡达(疑似)——Probably 本公司认为有可能是作者本人制作。 

    3、马里奥 . 卡达(曾被认为 - 附证书)——Ascribed To 本公司对此持保留意见,但曾被认作为马里奥 . 卡达本人制作, 且附有证书。 

    4、马里奥 . 卡达(被归类为)——Attributed To 本公司对此持保留意见,但被归类为马里奥 . 卡达的作品。 

    5、马里奥 . 卡达(工作室)——Workshop Of 本公司的意见为,此提琴由马里奥 . 卡达或者其工作室制作。 

    6、马里奥 . 卡达(同时代)——Circle Of 本公司的意见为,此提琴由马里奥 . 卡达或者与其同时代具有相 同制作特征的手笔制作。 

    7、马里奥 . 卡达(学派)——School Of 本公司的意见为,此提琴的制作手法出身于马里奥 . 卡达学派。 

    8、马里奥 . 卡达(追随者)——Follower Of 本公司的意见为,此提琴由后世制作者根据马里奥 . 卡达的制作 方式,受其风格影响所制作。 

    9、马里奥 . 卡达(标签、火印)——Labelled、Stamped 此提琴内部有马里奥 . 卡达字样的标签;此提琴弓印有马里奥 . 卡 达的火印。


    1. The bidder should be a legal person or qualified individual to compete with the bid target. The procedures of bid registration must be conducted according to the prescribed time in the auction notice. The original and copy of a valid personal ID card, passport, valid business license of the legal people, qualification of legal representatives, ID card of legal representatives (copy), the authorized letter of attorney of the legal people and ID card of agents, etc. (All photocopying documents must be affixed with an official seal), must be submitted at the time of processing. Whats more, it is necessary to deal with the procedure of online deposit remittance. The above procedures must be completed before participating in online auctions.

    2.The bidder must submit the auction deposit when he or she conducts the registered procedure of bidding. The amount of the deposit in this auction is 10,000 yuan.

    3.Third: Bidders who participate in online auctions can only correspond to one account (user name). Moreover, this account is only used by the bidder himself or herself. Any operation after using the account and password of the bidder shall be deemed as the behavior of the bidder, and the bidder shall be liable for all acts performed on his account.

    4. Bidders should not transfer or lend their account numbers or passwords to others. If the bidder discovers that his account has been illegally used by others, he or she should inform our company immediately. Our company is not responsible for the illegal use of accounts and passwords caused by hacking or users negligence.

    5. Target objects of this auction adopt the form of the ascending price auction. After the auction starts, the bidder can bid on the ladder of fixed price at the detailed page of the auction, and can also directly quote. At the end of the auction, the bidder with the highest bid price is the buyer, and the bidding of this target object is over. If the price does not reach the bottom line, the trade is failed.

    6. This auction can be participated in bidding via internet. The website:

    7.Seventh: Because the Internet may emerge unstable situation, the possibility of network auction failure is not excluded (including but not limited to network failures, circuit failures, system failures) and malicious attacks by hackers. The bidder must fully estimate that the above causes lead to the risk that the online bidding will be different from the on-site bidding. If the above-mentioned situation occurs, the loss caused by his or her own operational error is borne by the bidder. If the bidder abandons the bid in such circumstances, he or she may not request our company to bear any liability.

    8.After closing the deal, our company will issue a confirmation of auction transaction, signed by the buyer on the spot, and the buyer must pay an auction commission of 15% of the amount of the auction. The buyer shall deal with the target object in accordance with the relevant provisions of the laws, regulations and rules.

    9. After closing the deal, except the buyer has other agreement with our company. The buyer must pay the full transaction price and auction commission within 7 days. If not, the buyer will be deemed to breach the contract. That is, the payment is not refundable, and the company will also investigate the buyer's other legal liabilities in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

    10.The company shall, on behalf of the buyer, deal with the auctioned items purchased for packaging and transportation. Any losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the buyer. In addition, the company shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, damages, or losses caused by the packaging company and the shipping company recommended by our company to the buyer. The related expenses arising from the above business are borne by the buyer. The company may, as appropriate, decide whether to provide services for packaging and processing.

    11. After the transaction price is paid off, the buyer shall, according to the bill of lading of our company, withdraw it within 30 days after the conclusion of the auction. If there is no withdraw within 30 days, it means that the buyer voluntarily gave up the ownership of the item and agreed to hand it over to the company for another processing.

    12. All target objects in this auction are sourced from the social entrust. Although all target objects are carefully examined by experts hired by our company, in view of the special nature and complexity of the items, the company solemnly declares that there is no guarantee or warrant for the introduction and description of the target object. Whats more, Bidders should review all auctioned items (including self-employed experts to assist in identification) before the auction. The bidder shall bear legal responsibility for his or her bidding activities. Once the price is determined, it means that the bidder accepts all the current conditions (including defects) of the auction target.

    13. Those who fail to close the deal will be refunded the auctioned deposit within 3-5 working days after the conclusion of the auction.

    Auction notes: 

    1. Mario-Gadda(By)—— the violin was made by the author himself.

    2. Mario-Gadda (Probably) ——our company thinks that the violin was possibly made by the author himself.

    3. Mario-Gadda (Ascribed To) Our company have reservations about this, but the violin was thought made by Mario-Gadda himself, and there is credential attached.

    4. Mario-Gadda (Attributed To) Our company holds reservations about this, but the violin is classified as a work of Mario-Gadda.

    5. Mario-Gadda (Workshop Of ) Our company holds that the violin was made by Mario-Gadda or his studio.

    6. Mario-Gadda (Circle Of) Our company holds that the violin was made by Mario-Gadda or people with same contemporary making characteristics.

    7. Mario-Gadda (School Of) Our company supposes the manufacture technique came from the school of Mario-Gadda.

    8. Mario-Gadda (Follower Of ) Our company holds that this violin was made by producers of later period who were influenced by the manufacture style of Mario-Gadda and made it accordingly.

    9. Mario-Gadda (Labelled、Stamped) There were written characters of “ Mario-Gadda ” inside the violin. The hot stamp of Mario-Gadda is printed on the bow.

    号牌 出价 类型 时间 状态
    Copyright © 2010-2016 上海市拍卖行业协会 版权所有 沪ICP备11015601-3号
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